[ The 50 Route ] ︎

"The 50 Route" is a project where I chose to explore the bus I take to university, and the stops I occupy as a liminal space.

I've taken the Stagecoach No.50 for the past two years and in that time I've become bored - usually trying to pass time by going on my phone or listening to music. Hence, I find myself in a daydream-like state when riding it everyday. This project is an attempt to become a conscious passenger again by mapping the route using psychogeography methods.

Swiss-bound book, with a genuine Stagecoach bus seat fabric hardback cover.


Brief: ‘The Spaces Between’

Respond to the ISTD-set brief “The Spaces Between” - Consider the experience or concept of spaces between in a conceptual and/or physical way. Think about how these spaces connect or disconnect people, places, ideas, thoughts, cultures etc. Investigate the widest interpretation of the subject from individual, cultural and human perspectives. There will be lots of opportunities to draw upon references of different experiences of the diverse subject of spaces between.